Skills for Life Community

Person Centered Thinking

Training | Workshops | Consulting

Supporting people to have positive control of their life and how they want to be supported.

We are a Person Centered Thinking training facilitator for hire, providing workshops, trainings, and consulting services to agencies, non-profits, people working in human services and people of all abilities.

Our curriculum is based on The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices, person centered thinking training.

Person Centered Thinking (PCT) skills are most commonly used in the human services field when supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, but they are valuable life skills for everyone.

We support people to have positive control of their life, including their health, safety, and how they want to be supported.

Through interactive trainings and workshops, you will learn more about yourself, how you like to be supported, and how to use these skills to be a better self-advocate or to support people in their life.

We provide Person Centered Thinking Training and meet participants where they are at in their PCT journey, at the beginning or somewhere along the way.

Person Centered Thinking are a set of skills that teach people how to gather meaningful information about themselves or a person they support so that person continues to maintain positive control of their life and develop intentional and positive relationships. Person Centered Thinking keeps the person (*and those who care for them most) at the center of their decision making and planning.

PROVIDE Person Centered Thinking training to the community.

TEACH people how to support others to maintain positive control of their life through all life changes.

COACH people to find meaningful application of PCT skills to their work or life.

SUPPORT agencies and non-profits train their staff and community, and stay in compliance with the HCBS Final Rule. Support agencies/DSP to infuse more PCT in their daily operations, to update policies and best practices to be more in line with Person Centered Thinking practices.


  • People supporting aging parents or family members
  • People supporting someone with a disability or special needs
  • Parents with children of all ages
  • Professionals working in the human services field
  • People experiencing health related changes
  • People looking to expand their self advocacy skills
  • People providing direct care for someone

Live and interactive services.