We are here to….

*Provide Person Centered Thinking (PCT) training to people of all abilities.

*Teach people how to support others to maintain positive control of their life through all life changes

*Coach people through their person centered learning path

*Support agencies and non-profits train their staff and community, and stay in compliance with the HCBS Final Rule

*Support agencies and Direct Service Professionals to infuse more PCT in their daily operations, to update policies and best practices to be more in line with PCT.

We believe that everyone has the ability to contribute to planning their life trajectory.

Adriane Mota
Founder of Skills for Life Community

Certified Trainer in Person Centered Thinking, 2022

“The best life plan starts with knowing yourself.”

Hi, I’m Adriane Mota, Founder of Skills For Life Community!

I started working in human services in 2007 as in home support for a boy on the autism spectrum. I had work experience being a swim coach, lifeguard and baby sitting, but this was my first introduction to truly caring for others and working with neurodiverse people. I loved working with that little guy and didn’t know it at the time but started a whole new trajectory for my career.

After my time working as in home support, I worked for a non-profit organization in Los Angeles, Ca from 2008 to 2023 at their day programs/art studios for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. I first worked as an Art Instructor, then as a Program Supervisor and finally I moved into the role of Program Director from 2016-2023. As Program Director I oversaw the five art studio day programs, with over 200 artists and 45 staff members. Being based in Los Angeles County I had the opportunity to collaborate and work with five of our local regional centers (Harbor Regional Center, Westside Regional Center, South Central Regional Center, F.D. Lanterman Regional Center, and Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center).

In 2020 I started the certification process to become a Trainer in Person Centered Thinking from The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. Having worked in human services and day programs for many years, I thought I knew what person centered thinking was….. as you may guess, I was wrong. There was so much more to learn. Being able to study the skills and concepts through my certification process I began finding more ways these skills ARE life skills, not just for use at work, but also with my kids and in my personal life too. In my role as Program Director, I helped to transform staff training curriculum, our processes for hiring staff, and the process for annual reporting to be more in line with person centered thinking. In my personal life I used these skills to support my kids with the transitions of going back to in person learning, when returning from covid school closures.

I am now a full time Person Centered Thinking consultant! Through my most recent work training, leading and mentoring, I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in regards to the PCT curriculum. As a parent with young kids and aging parents (Hi Mom and Dad) I am seeing many ways these PCT skills apply to the many aspects of providing care and self advocacy.

There are many gaps in the human services industry that cannot be filled from the system itself, and not on an individualized level that is often necessary. I am working as a supportive member of the community to provide inclusive trainings, workshops and consulting for those interested in learning how to better support people. Person Centered Training is needed at all levels of a person’s life and from each part of their circle of support, those in paid and unpaid positions. At Skills for Life Community we strive to maximize engagement and retention of materials and include people of all abilities in our workshops and trainings. All of the trainings and workshops at Skills For Life Community will be hosted by me, Adriane. You will have direct access to my support, knowledge and experience supporting others.

Please reach out if you have any questions about our services or how we can support you and your team.

Welcome to the Skills for Life Community!

-Adriane Mota